Electrification Takes Cammands
Bart Lootsma is a historian, critic, and curator in the fields of architecture, design, and fine arts. He holds the chair for...

2nd PAM Talk : Prof. Ir Bart Lootsma
Prof. Bart Lootsma In the second PAM talk, the guest speaker was Prof. Ir Bart Lootsma. He was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1957. He...

Bart Lootsma - Electrification takes command
Bart Lootsma It’s another most interesting public lecture since Kayoko Ota-san on the Metabolism movement in Japan. Bart Lootsma is a...

Electrification takes command, by Bart Lootsma
Bart Lootsma was born 1957 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He studies architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology during 1975 to 1984....