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“On The Way”

2. The ‘On the way’ space is a part of everyday journey, How would you suggest it is enhance in a public transport and in a building? show example of current idea.

I have classified the "On the way" space that we have to pass through everyday as the drop-off point, corridor and entrance which are the spaces then lead us go into the building. These 3 spaces are interaction.

The most common problem for these spaces are the roof or enclose elements, it's the element that will cover us from the sun and rain, but most of designers had misunderstand or mis-estimate the length of roof or even the height that will let the rain come in from side and the sun expose to people from side.

From the photo above shows walkway of a shoplot, you can spot that the corridor for pedestrian is that narrow from the wall to roof, and even their roof doesn't overhang that enough to cover the pedestrian inside. Which means that people can't think under roof is safe in rainy day or sunny day, they still will come in from the side and make people feel uncomfortable.

However, i also feel that most of the these 3 spaces weren't interesting enough, or can't attract people to question 'what's that building? What's that for?' or attract them to come over to take a look. By common sense, if you can't attract tourisms or people, you also can't make the officers or workers have good mood to work everyday because it's too boring.

Beside that, I still like some building or shopping mall that allow the transports to come in and drop off passengers in front of the entrance. Although it seem like very normal design, but It can help a lot of people for easy to access. Somehow, your officers, workers, or customers will not worry about the the rainy day, it also can prevent them from some cases like accident or get snatch after get out from the public transport.

Photo 1.

From the photo 1, it is the Sunway pyramid, malaysia drop off point, their entrance had consider about the driver drop-off space and even the passengers will not be affect by sun or rain. And, it’s quite interesting and attractive that had a lion sculpture above the roof, there will be a point to catch people’s sight who pass through.

Photo 2

From the photo 2, it is located at Seoul, Korean, which is an entrance for lrt station, you can spot that it’s something like snail shape, but it’s quite cool and enough to let people go in to take a look. If designers can put this kind of sense on their building, it allows their people feel fresh every day and make them proud for working at such perfect building

Photo 3

Photo 3 is the time square shopping mall in kuala lumpur, as what we see it provide a long drop off point for more people can park their car for waiting their passenger. It is quite nice but without any attravtive design.

At last, I encourage all the designers to have this kind of sense and produce some functional design to help people enjoy and feel fresh when they are off to work everyday.



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