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The most impressing classes in theory


During the theories class that instructed by Ms. Sue, I would like to say that this subject is really fun and inspired me a lot of things. It totally refresh our definition about the architecture and re-introduce to us. From my memories, there are 3 chapters that impress me a lot and I would like to share with you at here. The three interesting chapters are the Expression, Senses, and Future Architecture. After these classes, it really help me in my design class, such as what kind of feeling I want people to feel or what I need to consider about.

So let start with the chapter of ‘Expression’, expression is the most important thing that I learnt in this semester, even in my design class. This is really challenge that we doesn’t realize it at previous design, how we create the expression in architecture way, it is not just like add in partition walls, levelling platforms, vegetation or some more, all of these most like a decoration that what my lecturer told us. Architecture should play it with the vertical and horizontal elements or volume of space, something like these that able to allow the building to talk a story by itself, not in a paper or person in-charge. I did provide an example at below which is one of the building that able to talk their stories itself. I like this very much doesn’t means it is a church, and I am Christian, but it is one of the goals for me to achieve that design a meaningful church to people.


Luce Memorial Chapel, the feeling that people received inside the chapel is respect to the God. God is the supreme and it is the only one, he is the light. In architecture way, artist Chen Chi Kwan design it with a slant-curve wall from floor to roof, which able the sun light is penetrated into from the behind of cross. ‘I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.’- John 8:12

Next, it is the chapter of ‘Sense’, it is very general conscious awareness but most of the designers doesn’t take it as their consideration. Senses are very interesting things if you put into your design, it allow people to play around with it, kind of interaction or communication between your design and the visitors. When people play with them, they can feel it and know their story. There are 5 senses which are sight, hear, taste, touch and smell.


Britain’s royal academy designed by architect Kengo Kuma. In this galleries, he wanted to bring the power of architecture inside and allow people to explore architecture physically, through their senses, for themselves and have the direct experience of what they like to be in a space.

Last chapter is talking about the future architecture, will the high technology will replace the architecture in someday? It is really terrible if it work, since the advanced technology is become more and more powerful. Even people walking or shitting, they can actually know the latest news outside his/her zone, Furthermore, do you believe that a high storey building can built in few weeks? China did that, just with a plan and a machine. How advance is the world become right now? Do we still need architect?

Yet, I would like to say again. Architecture is not just about building only, architecture involved in a lot of fields. What I want to present is, no matter how fast the world changing, don’t your brain and knowledge stop working, keep in mind you are an architect. This world is developed by human, so keep think further, become an innovator that created new fields and platforms for people. Example like people already stay in their houses all the times since everything are in high-technology, what they want? Am eco-friendly and efficiently air-conditioner? A platforms that able to let them meet their netizens in short-time? So keep thinking and trying instead of worry.



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