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The Most Inspiring Lesson |Community Architecture

Theories of Architecture is the most inspiring lesson that i had learnt in whole semester. Before I studied the architecture in university, I always thought that architect is just a profession who work under the developer or design something is incredible and amazing. However, when I started my study in architecture, my mind and thinking had changed completely. Architecture is not an object which is produced for the commercial benefits. Architecture should not become an object without any feelings with the people, architecture should related more to the humanity.

Throughout the classes that I had learnt in Theories in Architecture, the most inspiring lesson that I had learnt is the Community Architecture in week 5. This topic is my favorite lesson, cause it really change my perspective in architecture.

This lesson is basically talking about how architecture could serve the community effectively and practically. This lesson also increase our awareness on the social issues too which really affect our community and society. Our living environment nowadays is facing a lot of the challenge and problem. Architecture nowadaysis being criticized due it's function toward our community and society. So, what does the role of architecture takes in this society? There is a lot of ideology and statement about the identity of the architecture toward our society. Sometimes, the architecture should be worked to reflex our society and our current living environment. In different era, architecture should be daring and risky in creating the amazing form which give a great impact to the society and community.

For me, I would think that architecture nowadays should be as a solution in solving the social issues. There is a lot of project which is very meaningful and practical in helping a group of people who really need help. For example, The Chipakata Children’s Academy is a new primary school in Zambia, Africa. The school was designed to serve those children who need to get education but facing the lack of the transportation.The Academy provides a comprehensive primary school education, grades 1-7, for children in seven villages in and around the Chipakata Village community. The first phase of the project, which opened in January 2015, includes a classroom building, community pavilion, administrative office and teachers’ housing. Nearby, agricultural fields dedicated to generating food and income support the operation of the school and ensure long-term economic sustainability for the project. Local village residents were key participants throughout the development and construction process. This kind of architecture project is very innovative and very delicacy which is potentially become a good example for us who are still an architecture student. We should be trained to become sensitive on observing our living environment and situation. So that, we could designed and create a better architecture to serve our society.

Another example which inspire me very much is the Wallholla in Singapore. The Wallholla is a vertical playground which was designed against the lack of land in Singapore. The vertical playground is totally innovative and creative in solving the national issues in Singapore

Community architecture is the most inspiring lesson that i had learnt. The intention and inspiration in design the community architecture have completely leading my way of designing the architecture. Solving problem might not be the core of the architecture design, but we as an architect we should take it as part of our consideration.


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