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Observing Publics and Memories

5. Public space are vital to human interaction. Show examples of current designers that have redefined the idea of public spaces and explain how these space can create more meaningful sense of place for a person as well as create relationship to that place.

While shopping centers , offices are essentially always the same , public spaces are magical , because it always changing with weather and time of day. In outdoor places , the moods of nature are ever present. Therefore , as the generation now , public spaces for us are getting more and more important to increase the interaction between people to people .

‘ The measure of any great civilization is its cities and a measure of a city’s greatness is to be found in the quality of its public spaces , its parks and squares ‘ ---------- John Ruskin .

Great public spaces are the living room of the city which the place where people come together to enjoy the city and each other. Public spaces make high quality life in the city possible. They from the stage and backdrop to the drama of life. Public spaces range from central plazas and squares to small local neighbourhood parks till the road that you take everyday.

Eat . Sit . Walk . Shop . Converse . Rest . Relax . Exercise .

I believe that everyone of us at least have a public space that we have a memorable memories. It is either we participate actively or passively.

From the article of the project of public spaces, they has identified few key elements in transforming or redefine the idea of public space into vibrant community places , whether they are parks , plazas , public squares , streets , sidewalks or the myriad other outdoor and indoor spaces that have public uses in common. So below are the elements that how they transforming public space into vibrant community spaces.

First , the starting point in create a public space is to understand the history of the city or place , provide an historical perspective , valuable insights into how the area functions , understanding of the critical issues and what is meaningful to people. So it will help to create a sense of belonging for the people who are using the public spaces.

-Create a place , not a design

To make an under-performing space into a vital place , physical elements must be introduced that would make people feel welcome and comfortable . Besides that , by developing more effective relationships between the surrounding retails and the activities going on in the public spaces will make the place has both strong sense of community and a comfortable image. However, this is easy to say , but difficult to accomplish.

-You can see a lot just by observing

Nowadays we can learn a great deal from others’ successes and failures. We can noticed that how people are using public spaces and finding out what they like and don’t like about the space. Through this , we can easy to find out this work or not work. So when this happen , it will be clear what kinds of activities are missing and what might be incorporated. Therefore, we will learn more faster and keep evolving.

Last but not the least , public space work best when they do not lay out a script of intended uses , but rather allow different people to make use of them in the way that suits them. The mix of people that thereby results is one of the keys to understanding the importance and vitality of public space.



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