Pop-up Culture and another way of architecture
1. What is the future of architecture in an age where everything is in the palm of your hands? Will architecture still be relevant, if yes, how? and would it need to be evolved? if yes. how? show examples of current idea.
I would say architecture will still be relevant to people but the sort of ownerships are not as strong as today. Put aside materials, spaces, and functions away, I’m very much agree with Kengo Kuma’s idea of “defeated Architecture”, which in a easier statement, renting a house is more beneficial compare to owning a house, of course there is a more complex and relevant ideas behind. The biggest impact from internets are undeniably the geopolitics. People are migrating from places to places as simple as a “click” gesture. We are getting more alike to peoples around the world and our own cultures are significantly diminishing. The only thing that matter is who wins the economy of the world, who’s culture will be more influential. The insanely steep increase of pollution will once again leading us to housing problem and we have no enough capabilities to cater such an amount. Hence, residential house will be more alike and people are relying more on public spaces.

Anakin's House from "Star Wars: the Phantom Menace"
I would say that architecture in the future will not be as what we understand now. As transporting from place to place are easier than ever, the lifespan of any building will not be a major concern anymore. The material will be as primary as clay, bricks, or timber. At the mean time, Services will be even more advance than today. I think the planets that small Anakin lives in the movie “Star Wars : the phantom menace” is a perfect depictions of a future living environments. As you can see from the factors above, people are getting more mobile than ever and this leads to unimaginable development that cannot be seen from the pattern of architecture developments throughout human civilisation. Pop up culture are dominating our life, in a speeding pace that we cant even notice it’s emergence. immigrant workers live in a container to build a a buildings; Chanel builta temporary building just for a new season’s design showcases; temporary huge exhibition architecture just to showcase an identity of a nation; temporary shelters that built to accommodate disaster victim; even the young generations preferring renting a house instead of buying one are a hints leading to pop up culture.

Ataturk Monument Anıtkabir in Ankara, Turkey.
From another perspective, architecture could still be relevant in term of monument design. Although the existance of religious architecture seems to be in a threatening positions, as more and more people are becoming atheist, but monument built for people and events will be in high demand, not surprise when you have more and more people living on this earth. Public spaces will be multi functional and more centralized because there’s a possibilities that our world to become like in the movie “Wall-E”. Luckily, there’s still people exercises, thanks to the inventions of gym. Disaster relief projects might be another branches that architects could look into even during the present time. As more architecture related professions are looking for more solutions to provide necessary needs when a disastrous event strake to a places. It works similarly like firemen, depart urgently when a disaster strake.

"Pop up store for sales" by Pop up City
he ideas of “smart house” that widely discussed during the Venice Biennale 2014 hosted by Rem Koolhaas is another more relevant example of what our future house going to be. Elements of architecture will be radically simplified but the services will be more advance than ever. In term of exchanges, we will have no more privacy (people today has a tendency of doesn’t care their privacy anymore, thanks to social media). Pop up culture will continue to develop that it might destroy the idea of ownerships completely. Pop up city from amsterdam is a good examples of how mobility of architecture implemented purposely in design. Nevetheless, I think pop up culture is a positive development judging from today how we build architecture. People carefully use material when there are needs and it is easily dismantle when the needs are no more, it’s more sustainable and effective. Not to mention that, pop up culture are primarily encourage people to meet but not segregation!